What’s The Best Way To Learn Upholstery?

For most people, hands-on is the preferred method, but the truth is hands-on upholstery classes are few and far between. That is one of the reasons I teach!

Why I Teach

I knew from the beginning of my upholstery journey, teaching would be an integral component. I’ve been teaching now for several years. I can honestly say that every single person that has come to me to learn has been a joy to work with.

I love it when my students leave me and continue their upholstery journey. The door is always open for them to ask me questions and come back for more classes. 

Because most of my students are beginners, we usually start with an ottoman or a simple chair. Both projects are great for beginners as both incorporate basic skills that can be built upon as they move forward with their education. But upholstery can’t be learned in one or two days. That’s is why I always, always recommend additional resources besides my one-on-one classes.

A Perfect Collaboration

My #1 recommendation for advancing your upholstery skills is Kim’s Upholstery.

Kim and Bill Chagnon are the skill, knowledge, talent and so much more behind Kim’s Upholstery, a membership program that features the best of the best upholstery education.

They have over 90 videos that teach both skills like welt cord, zippers, cushions, tufting to full projects such as wingback chairs, tufted headboards, barrel back chairs and so much more. There is a very active Facebook group for support along with a weekly zoom call where Kim and Bill help you problem solve your upholstery questions. 

Each year, Kim hosts a few hands-on workshops across the country so she is fully aware of the need and desire for hands-on classes.

To serve her membership, this year she has selected several upholstery businesses that offer hands-on training to recommend. These are businesses she knows and can personally recommend the quality of their work. I’m so honored that Kim trusts my business to recommend to her membership.

This is a win-win collaboration in my book. Kim can recommend Cobani Bleu for local hands-on training and I can recommend her membership program for your continued learning experience. Kim has taken this one step further in that she has generously offered any student of mine a one month trial membership!

The Best of Both Worlds

I recently received this email from one of my students Amy:

You are a gifted teacher and I learned so much from you working
on the ottoman. Every step of the way in my journey, I hear your voice telling me things like – start in the center and use my whole hand to smooth and pull. Haha. 

You suggested Kim’s Upholstery videos when I was with you and I took out a one year subscription when I returned home. They are so helpful and I watch parts over and over again. I told my husband he needs to channel Bill so he can help me and he did help me with tying the springs.

I love so much about this! First of all, Amy is continuing her education. And she’s already tying springs! And getting her husband involved too! I think this is a perfect situation. Take a hands-on class then continue your journey with the wealth of learnings available through Kim Upholstery!

Just so you know, her membership isn’t just for beginners. I’ve been doing upholstery for 10 years and still don’t know everything so I too turn to my membership on  a regular basis. There is always something new to learn! 

Check Out These Learning Options

By the way, Kim still has a few open spots in her hands-on workshops this year. Also check out Rhonda’s and Melodie’s classes and workshops, also recommended by Kim.


Kim’s Upholstery Workshops

The Whimsical Chair

The Gathering Place





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