Floret: A Garden Inspired Chair

It’s Springtime! And that means flowers right? Bright happy flowers that look like a watercolor painting, that’s my newest chair, Floret!

If you know me for half a second, you know I’m a die-hard BLUE girl! So what’s up with this chair named Floret? Well the truth is, while I think blue is the most important color, I love all colors. Floret’s color combo ranks high on my love list. Shades of pinks, magenta, orange and corals with a little yellow sprinkled in is indeed splendid!

My Color Story

From my very first encounter with the Crayola 64 box, I discovered magenta. Isn’t that the most magical name? And that magnificent color, oh my! Who knew it could come from a crayon?

Yellow was my first color love. I called it ‘lellow’ because I couldn’t pronounce the ‘y’ sound. My first foray into design was decorating my teenage bedroom in yellow and white with blue accents, the beginning my life long blue phase. 

Blue was the color of my very first sofa (and actually every sofa I have ever bought). But here is the interesting thing. All my accent colors were the autumn colors of rust, maroon, orange, yellow and red. Such beautiful compliments to blue. Think of a gorgeous autumn day with crystal clear blue skies and the trees on fire with color! Such amazing colors in their own right. 

Maybe that explains a little about Floret and why I adore her so much. Oh and then there is this whole watercolor thing, and and Monet and Giverny! Favorite art medium, artist and garden! Who doesn’t love a garden painted in flowers or a watercolor flower painted by Monet! 

Designing Floret

I’m often asked how I come up with a design. That’s not the easiest question to answer because it depends on a lot of things. Sometimes I find a chair and have an immediate idea of what I want to do with it. And sometimes I find a fabric that just speaks to me. And sometimes I just play with colors and textures till I land on something I like. 

For this project I’m not really sure which came first the floral fabric or the chair. I think they both appeared in the same time frame. The large floral just said ‘I need to be front and center’ and the chair said ‘I’m a perfect frame for a piece of artwork.’ And so it was! Once I saw the vibrant magenta and orange buffalo check fabric, the design fell into place. With vivid colors that nearly glow, I knew the chair frame had to be gold. Nothing else would do. 

Time To Bloom

This project was put on hold for various reasons and several years past. But now is the season for Floret to bloom. And bloom she has in all her glory! She is a happy chair, a gorgeous chair. Just look at her blooming like a watercolor painting, she is no wallflower. Her colors leap out at you, fuschias and oranges, pinks and yellows! She will not be ignored! She is the most striking flower in the garden sure to make you smile.

And of course, she knows how to sit soft

Want to bring some beauty and joy to your home? Floret can be yours. SOLD. If you’d like your very own Floret I’d be happy to custom design one just for you. Visit my Etsy shop for more info.  



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  1. Nancy your attention to detail and color combinations are pure perfection!! I love this chair.

    1. Thank you so much, Deana! I love to use different fabrics on chairs, but its important that they support and compliment each other. Once I found the vibrant check fabric I knew I had the right mix. And that flower had to be front and center! Yes, elegant is a good description! Thanks,

    1. She is quite the blooming beauty! Thanks for checking her out! I love to mix fabrics and it makes me so happy when I find just the right combination of colors. So glad you like them too!

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